Frequently asked Questions
Here are our most frequently asked questions.
Performers' choice. For example, you could present repertoire for piano duet one-piano four hands only, or for two-pianos only. You could also choose to do a combination of the two genres.
Applications open from February 15, 2025. You can apply any time from this date until the closing date in July.
Applications close on July 18, 2025.
The winners will be announced via the website and email on 15 August, 2025.

The best overall duo will be awarded a cash prize of $2000 AUD.

Applicants are encouraged to include Australian compositions, for which there is a separate cash prize valued at $200 AUD.

The Australian Piano Duo Festival will endeavor to provide additional concert opportunities, but this cannot be guaranteed.

The video should be unedited (trimming the start and ends is fine) and in one take. Please film the video in landscape, and ensure that the pedaling is in view.

It's important that the video and audio quality is of reasonable quality so that we can hear you represented at your best. Recording the audio using microphones is OK if you wish.

All Australian citizens and residents who are aged 23 or under as of the competition closing date, July 18, 2025.

Students of all nationalities who are currently resident in Australia, enrolled in a secondary or tertiary Australian institution are eligible.

Evidence of citizenship, residency or enrolment may be requested of the winners.

We're wanting to hear 15-20 minutes of your piano duo at its best. The repertoire will be performers' choice, though please note that no concertos with orchestral piano reduction will be accepted. Arrangements are acceptable. Own arrangements are also acceptable. Please note that you will need to provide a scanned copy of the score for temporary adjudication purposes. These files will be destroyed by the competition after adjudication has taken place. Please submit the copyright declaration form along with your application.
The jury will consist of three distinguished pianists. Once the jury has been announced, it will be posted on this website.
If you can't find the answers you're looking for here, please write to the Prize administrator, at, with any further questions you may have.

fostering the art of duo pianism | supporting young Australian pianists